First PhD student Heading link

August 2024 – The Stabryla lab welcomes Houman Nikman as the lab’s first PhD student. Houman will be pursuing a PhD in Materials Engineering. Welcome to the lab group Houman 🙂

We’re growing! Heading link

image of tree growing

June 2024 – The Stabryla Lab welcomed its two first undergraduate students this summer (Steven Frausto and Josh Auld Alvarez). Additionally, two graduate students have been officially recruited to start in the Fall 2024 semester.

PI Stabryla goes to EDAR7 Heading link

image of poster

May 2024 – PI Stabryla presented a poster on her postdoctoral research at the 7th Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance meeting (EDAR7) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada! This work was done in collaboration with PI Keenum (Michigan Technological University) and Nadratun Chowdhury (EPA) and focused on evolution of antibiotic resistance in the human gut microbiome, titled “Assessing the Reproducibility of Whole-Microbial Community Evolution of AMR: Unraveling the Contributions of Vertical and Horizontal Gene Transfer”. She also participated in a public outreach activity called the EDAR7 Human Library – a library of scientists serving as “books” that members of the public could reserve for 15-minute one-on-one conversations around the threat of antimicrobial resistance. The link to the conference program can be found here.

PI Stabryla gives talk at Northwestern University Heading link

image of seminar announcement

February 2024 – PI Stabryla was invited to give a talk as part of the Environmental Engineering Sciences spring seminar series hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University. Thank you to NU for the invitation! The advertisement for the talk is linked here and the title of her talk was “Leveraging Nanomaterial Design and Microbial Evolution for Next-Generation Solutions to the Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis”.

The Stabryla Lab is under construction Heading link

lab under construction

Jan 2024 – The Stabryla Lab located in 1100 SEL is now under construction.